Sunday, June 21, 2009

Junior Circuit ~ Johor Leg

The Sport Excel Junior Circuit, Johor Leg had just concluded. Congratulations to all Winners and Parents! To the children that were not winners in the Johor Leg, not to worry, there are two more legs of the Circuit to participate before the Grand Prix, and you could be the winners there.

I also pray that all Bowlers, Parents & Coaches, not only from Selangor but also from all other participating States, arrived Home safely. However, I do know that some of you Bowlers went back home, without your Bowling gears. The gears which you had left for safekeeping, were stolen from Ampang Superbowl.

I just hope that the Management of Ampang Superbowl, venue of the Circuit in Johor, would bear some responsibility and help compensate the Bowler, in any way that they can. Maybe Bowling gears distribution companies, could also help to chip in.

As a parent, I do know the hardship, to replace a full set of bowling gear (consisting of three balls, a pair of shoe, the Bag itself, and of course the bits and pieces of accessories, which bowlers have in their arsenal. One of the Youth Bowlers, who lost his gear, is named Razif Sazali from Perak. I know that he is not from Selangor. However, I sympathize with his losses, as I have had the experience when my son lost his bowling gear, not once but twice. The first set in Sunway Pyramid, and another set when my car got stolen.

I have also notice something that is very sad and unbecoming with the sport of Tenpin Bowling ~ Gambling! This happened in Johor and in front of my eyes. Youth Bowlers from Penang betting with money, small as it may be, on Bowlers who is bowling, if the next throw will be a Strike or otherwise. Sadder still is when the Chinese Lady Coach leads with the gamble. She's the one that always accompanies Penang Bowlers to Circuit.

Maybe they are taking this as FUN, but gambling is still gambling no matter which way one looks at it. As a coach, one should be instilling good values to our young bowlers, instead of encouraging them to gamble. I am not trying to ‘butt” into other people or association’s business, but I would not want my children to be coached by such a person. Maybe her coaching duties be terminated or she should be heavily reprimanded.

Hopefully, we shall all meet again in the very near future, Seremban maybe! CHEERS…….


tehsham said...

I think she is a Korean

Zainal Hashim said...

Oh OK Shahrul thanks!

So she is Korean. Does it gives her the right to instill BAD values onto our Malaysian children??

Ifgambling is the norm in Korea, which I strongly doubt, she can leave it back home in Korea.

This is MALAYSIA and we have our very own set of values, and teaching the young ones gambling, is not one of our good values.

So Parents......think! Fikir fikirkan lah sikit!

botak said...

Tahniah bagi yang menang. Mana yang kalah jangan putus asa cuba lebih kuat lagi.OK
Apa yang mengejutkan saya adalah budak 2 selangor yang telah start training dlm AA dan AAA.Terutama AA. Beberapa budak je yang masuk 2nd round. Jangan nak ckp masuk top 8 lah.Sebab tu saya dah cakap.Setengah budak 2 yang sekarang ada dalam AA memang tak layak pun berada dalam pogram msn.Berapa ruginya duit msn membiayai budak 2 ni. Malahan merugikan selangor dan Malaysia.Ini lah akibatnya kalau pemilihan tidak buat dengan betul dan profesional.
Budak 2 yang qualify semuanya training bukan dgn AA atau AAA.Tahniah bagi parent 2 dan budak 2 ini. Tidak kah STBA 04 bukak mata lagi. Lihat lah budak t yang berbakat yang ada. Jangan membiar chroni 2 yang tak coach ke atau parent atau mana 2 pihak memusnahkan impian negara kita malaysia untuk mencari banyak CHAMPION.
Paling menyedihkan ada budak 2 yang training dalam AA pogram pergi circuit johor sebagai spectator dan penyokang.Bukankah putut bermain dan lawan.Nampak sangat parent budak 2 ini tidak yakin dan confident dengan anak 2 mereka. Average tak rendah. Saya rasa below 140 kot. Macam mana ya boleh terpilih masuk pogram msn AA. Membazir je duit msn je. Yang paling saya nak tergelak. Ada yang training 5 hari seminggu. 3 hari dengan program AA dan 2 hari dengan kelab mereka.
Jadi STBA 04 bukak lah mata. Jangan lah membazir duit MSN.Gunakan lah dengan wajarnya.Dah lah cakap STBA 04 tak de duit ni lak nak membazir buta 2 duit MSN.
Lagi satu masa di circuit johor. Sungguh melucukan. Saya dengar kuat sorakan dan penyokong 2 mereka. Saya pun gi la tengok.Wah parent ni sorak macam nak gila anak dia ke? Oh tidak rupanya. Anaknya sebagai pemerhati dan penyokong jugak. Yang dia sorak hanya lah budak 2 dari kelab dia sahaja.Hairan ya ada jugak ibu bapa yang datang jauh 2 tak bagi anak dia main circuit tapi sorak gila 2 anak orang lain.Mungkin dia rasa dengan suara dia yang lantang tu boleh "SIEKO" pemain lain kot.Ada jugak orang mcm ni ya.
Apa saya hendak cakap disini. Bagi parent 2 yang berlagak dan ckap besar je abuk pun takde. tngok lah kat anak dulu jangan nak terpekik terlolong je.k. Apa 2 pun MAJULAH SUKAN UNTUK NEGARA.

Zainal Hashim said...

I have also heard that STBA04 had just concluded another roll-off to select AA & AAA Bowlers to be sponsored to the Junior Circuit Seremban leg.

Hopefully the bowlers that they sponsor qualifies and warrants to be sponsored. Jangan sponsor bowlers for the sake of sponsoring and showing that they are doing their job. Ensure that the sponsorship is worth spending and the bowlers are worth sponsoring.

Otherwise like what Botak had mentioned...... qa sheer waste of goverment money!

Oppppppppppssss!!!!! THE TAXPAYER MONEY.......itu bukan duit kita ke,yang demer membaziri????????


botak said...

Ha ha ha. Mari kita tengok la result kat seremban ye. Sama ada berbaloi tak apa yang Stba 04 dah sponsor budak 2 AA dan AAA. Sekarang ni i dengar yang AA ada 2 coach. 1 coach tu kena la datang sibuk 2 bantu gak.Pasal anak buah dah ada dalamkan. Dulu tak kisah pun siap tak ambil tahu program selangor.
Naper dalam program kenny ang budak dia tidak boleh main tournamet dan training dengan orang lain? ok lah kalau dah tu cara dia. Dia kan headcoach selangor. Tapi naper di program AA dan AAA dia bagi budak 2 ni training dengan coach lain join kelab lain? Bukan kah Falsafa train dengan 1 coach je.Bukan kah coach ni di pilih dan di percayai olehnya untuk membimbing budak 2 ini. Naper mesti ada double standard? Naper mesti ada double standard? Hello Stba 04 kalau nak buat peraturan buat lah dengan cara betul. Nak buat buat untuk semua sekali. Bawah lain atas lain ape ingat rojak ke.